Account for the Successes and Failures of Democracy in Germany in the Period 1918–1933

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Account for the successes and failures of democracy in Germany in the period 1918–1933 The democracy in Germany from 1918 to 1933, the Weimer Republic, is considered as both successful and unsuccessful. The democracy system in Germany was chaotic when it first emerged, but it became relatively stable until it collapsed during the great depression in 1929 and was then taken over by Nazism. Democracy refers to a form of government that is controlled by people and was a condition under the Treaty of Versailles. The success of democracy can be seen through the establishment of the bills of rights and mainly through the Stresemann era. - It was a provisional government formed due to the abdication of the Kaiser. - Success can be seen through the establishment of the bill of rights and the stresemann era, where the country experienced prosperity and people were entitled to rights and freedom - As part of the democracy system, Germans were allowed to vote and elect members of the Reichstag and the president. - The republic and the foreign concept of democracy faced many significant obstacles at the time. - Democracy in 1919 - 1923 Germany under the Weimar Republic experienced a true democracy The golden years Economic: -Stresemann became chancellor in Auguest 1923. -Stresemann altered the policies with the introduction of Dawes plan and the young plan. - Germany was able to meet its reparation payments and the French left the area of Ruhr in 1924. The failures can be seen through the flaws in the constitution, political parties, economic failures the lack of support towards the republic. •The new parliament met in February 1919 and drew up a constitution that established Germany as a democracy. •It was a constitution that would preserve German democracy, liberties and rights of the people. •The republic consisted of the upper house (Reichsrat) and
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