Study Questions-Framing the Constitution (Citizenship)

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1) What differences are there between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution in regards to the Legislative branch of government? A.O.C.-no executive with power. President of U.S. merely presided over Congress, 13/13 needed to amend Articles, 9/13 needed to approve legislation. Constitution- Executive branch headed by President who chooses Cabinet and has checks on power of judiciary and legislature, 2/3 of both houses of Congress plus 3/4 of state legislatures or national convention, 50%+1 of both houses plus signature of President. 2) What differences are there between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution in regards to the Executive branch of government? A.O.C.- No executive with power. President of U.S. merely presided over Congress. Constitution- Executive branch headed by President who chooses Cabinet and has checks on power of judiciary and legislature. A More Perfect Union 3) What led up to the calling of a constitutional convention? Problems between debtors and creditors and interstate trade became more serious, calls for revising the Articles grew louder 4) When and where did the Constitutional Convention meet? In February of 1787, the Confederal Congress called for a convention to be held in May of that same year at Philadelphia. Constitutional Convention 5) What political experiences did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention have? Revolutionary War veterans, farmers, merchants, lawyers and bankers. 6) What was the main occupation of those people who attended the Constitutional Convention? promoting the interests of the creditors of the day more than those of the debtors. 7) Where was Thomas Jefferson at the time the Constitution was written? serving as the American Minister to France, and John Adams, serving as the Ambassador to Great Britain. Compromise 8) What is the Great Compromise? A compromise
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