Analyze The Concepts Of The Separation Of Powers Of The American Democracy

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Analyze the Concepts of the Separation of Powers of the American Democracy Tina Marie Blackson American National Government - 30 January 23, 2010 Introduction: The government is the basis of the United States. They make the laws. They create punishment. They try to find new ways to help the economy. They allocate resources from foreign countries to benefit Americans. However, they are separated in powers. The first branch is the legislative branch. The next branch is the executive branch. The last is the judicial branch. All are separated and have different jobs assignment but comes together to help resolve issues. Thus, the centerpiece of our systems is the doctrine of Separations of Powers that constitutionally assigned duties to the three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial to distinct and have checks and balances on each branch to prevent abuse of power from the government; it is to keep a democracy. The legislative branch internally has its’ own way of balancing powers. As you know the Legislative Branch is broken up into two parts or houses of the federal government of the United States of America consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. This is known as the bicameral legislative. Each houses of Congress has its’ differences and there are something they must do together as well. Both Senators and the representatives are chosen through direct election. According to the Constitution Article 1, the powers were bestowed upon congress. In the legislative process the House and Senate are equal (without consent from both of the chambers laws could not be made). However, each chamber was granted some unique powers by the constitution, the empowerment to ratify treaties and to approve appointments of the president. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representative, in
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