Each branch has its own powers in the government, but the system of checks and balances keeps each branch from gaining too much power and overstepping its bounds. The checks and balances were originally put in place to protect the newly formed democracy from turning into another monarchy. Though stalemates do occur, for the most part, the three branches work together to promote the will of the people. Stalemates are bound to happen with differing opinions. When the executive branch is made of a majority of one party and the legislative branch is made up of a majority of a different party.
The Justices are devoted to achiev¬ing what they see as the best legal policies, and they deviate from their most preferred policies only for strategic reasons. They have the power to put a void on anything people in the government do, this also includes the president. Many of them came from upper class and graduated from pretty prestigious schools. They also have the power to accept an appeal and make it into a case. The Supreme Court takes part in judicial review which is examination by a country's courts of the actions of the legislative, executive, and administrative branches of government to ensure that those actions conform to the provisions of the constitution.
‘Politicians in robes’. How far do you agree that the US Supreme Court has too much power for an unelected body? The US Supreme Court is an institution that was set up by the US Constitution and is the 3rd branch of Government. Their job is to uphold the rights of individuals and to keep a check on the other two branches. It has been argued that the Supreme Court has too much power because they are unelected and have extended not only the rights of individuals and groups but of the Government and their jurisdiction.
The presidency comes with vast arrays of roles and responsibilities: approving/vetoing every bill passed, making sure laws made by congress are carried out, and simply presiding over meetings of the association. But the presidents many responsibilities are constrained due to the Separation of powers, the Constitution, and Federalism. Without these constraints, the President would have all the power he wanted, essentially having a monarchy not a democracy. For instance, separation of powers creates three separate branches of government, each with their own special powers. The Constitution creates reliability, making the president co-operate with the other branches of government.
The long standing debate on whether amending the constitution to allow Naturalized citizens to run for presidency has formed arguments for and against the issue; all arguments stand with valid points. But as a democracy as the United States is, the government must consider the equal treatment of all its citizens including those naturalized. Loyalty to this country does not fall in place according to the country a person was born but by the values they were raised in. Not everyone has a realistic prospective of running for president whatever their background may be; but excluding certain citizens from consideration merely based on nativity is unjust and self-destructive. Kennedy states in his article “It makes second-class citizens of naturalized
Branches of Government Introduction The establishment of the United States Constitution marked the beginning of arguably the most powerful federal government in the world. The power is separated equally into three main branches which maintain balance and prevent corruption. The legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the executive branch all represent the process to this revolutionary government. Our Forefathers The founding fathers of the United States were political leaders who founded today’s “social contracts”. Their educational background was diverse.
(Levin-Waldman, O.M., 2012, p.48) He also can do whatever he feels is needed to “protect and defend the Constitution”. (Levin-Waldman, O.M., 2012, p.48) However, for most parts he must pass things by Congress. Congress is the authority when it comes to things such as suspending habeas corpus. If the Constitution is not protected by the previous then hopefully the Supreme Court will hold the President or Congress accountable like in Boumediene versus
Through the power or appointment to certain key positions as head of the National Treasury the President can influence foreign policy as well (as seen in the bailout of the European Union). The most reaching appointment that the President has the ability to influence is the Supreme Court. Though the President can only influence lawmaking, and has the ability to shape the law, that fails in comparison to the ability to interpret the law. This appointment is a lifetime appointment, though this appointment is subject to Congressional Impeachment. When the POTUS appoints someone to this position who shares the same views that their appointer has, then that view is in turn the looking glass that laws will be seen through.
Presidents use their appointees to cement their legacy, trying to choose individuals who share their ideology. I know that has become a dirty world in how the government uses to interpret the law, but right now, there is a very bright line separating conservative and progressive issues. One should nominate someone who believes in the same causes he or she does. Choosing a nominee who is not, already a judge has the advantage of giving less fodder to the opposition, because she has no opinions available for scrutiny. On the other hand, she could turn out to be something other than the president expected.
Fatiyha Johnson Essay In my opinion the Legislative Branch or better known as Congress is the most powerful branch of government because Congress have powers granted to them that is very similar to the powers that the other two branches of government posses, except these certain common powers that all three branches share Congress have a little more control when it comes to the other two. What I mean by that is for example all the branches of government are involved in the lawmaking process yet Congress has powers at times to exceed the right of the other two and override their decisions sometimes. For instance the judicial branch regulates, enforces and upholds the law but Congress makes the laws that the judicial branch enforce. It seems