Stress Out Your College Stress

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“Sometimes, the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.”—Etty Hillesum Have you been very busy in school lately? Struggling to meet deadlines? Torn between academics and extra-curricular activities? Having problems with family, friends, and your lover? Or you’re left with holes in your pocket? Then, you’re probably stressed by all these troubles. Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires physical, mental adjustment or response. The response differs from any person. It can either make a person feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or anxious. It is caused by many factors and these stress-producing factors are called “stressors”. Balancing classes, tests, projects, extra-curricular activities and part-time work for a few are some of the stressors that have plagued into the cluttered minds of the students. These stressors do not cause anxiety or tension by themselves. Instead, stress results from the interaction between stressors and the individual's perception and reaction to those stressors. The amount of stress experienced may be influenced by the individual's ability to effectively cope up with stressful events and situations. If stress is not dealt with effectively, various negative effects such as emotional, psychological and behavioral problems may arise. There are a number of ways to help university students minimize the stress they are feeling. Managing stress will help us cope up with the daily pressures of being a student, thus, giving us more time and energy to enjoy our college experience. Here are some ways that may help us slow down for a while amidst all these stresses and take a deep breath before we move on for another activity. Manage Your Time. Learn to plan ahead and avoid procrastination. You must focus on what tasks should be done first, especially those which have time constraints or
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