Strengthen Your Foundation

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Strengthen Your Foundation by Liz Sablan I choose Chapter 9 number 1. Teaching in a Christian school is a spiritual and vocational calling. Write a one page summary of God's calling in your life. Share this with your students and/or colleagues. How I came to be a teacher. I was saved on March 14th. In 1999. I always worked in the retail field or office work neither of which I was happy doing. After I was saved my preacher gave us a message on God's call for our lives. This was the first time I had ever heard anything like that. I went home that week and read my Bible like crazy. The preacher taught that God talks to us through His word. So I was determined to know specifically what to do about the job I had and what move to make. I was working in a trucking company's front office. Needless to say it was a rough atmosphere and I knew I was to make some kind of change. Now these days of Bible reading were my very first endeavor to read with the intent of being spoken to. Wow was I spoken to! I learned about standards and the walk of a Christian. Then on Thursday of that week I read the verse about the older women should teach the younger women ( ). I was drawn to the work teach. Then I did a topical study on the word teach. I walked away with a strong desire to teach. I kept it to myself and continued to pray and meditate on all that I learned. The following Saturday we had a ladies meeting. One of the ladies came up to me and introduced herself to me. I was very new to the church and did not know many people. She was very kind. At the end of our conversation She stated that she thought I would make a good teacher. I was shocked! She told me we had a school and I should apply. This was May of 1999. "Who applies for a teaching job in May?" I said to myself. The next day, Sunday, I introduced myself to the director of the preschool. Told her I was
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