Statement Of Purpose: Alpha Chi Omega

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There’s More Than What Meets the Eye Growing up, one of the things that I looked forward to most about going to college was joining a sorority. We’ve all seen the movies where large groups of sorority girls constantly get together and go out, and that was always very appealing to me. Now that I am a part of Alpha Chi Omega here at Sam Houston State, I am able to see just how truly amazing it feels to be a part of something bigger than myself, especially something with so much more to offer than is portrayed in the movies. I had no idea prior to joining Alpha Chi Omega that so many new opportunities would be available to me. The amount of volunteer work, an increased number of job opportunities, and just having an overall amazing support system…show more content…
Statistics have shown that if the hierarchy of a company you are applying to belongs to the same Greek organization as you do, you are more likely to get the job than someone who is not. Nowadays, it’s not exactly WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know, to get anywhere in life. In relation to that, the entire Greek Life system is basically one big network. Each and every person that has been a part of a sorority or fraternity is a part of a massive web of strong values and beliefs that can instantly foster an amazing relationship, regardless of one’s chosen greek letters. For instance, Alpha Chi Omega’s motto is “Real Strong Women” because we believe that every woman has the right and the ability to be as independent and successful as she wishes to be. Not only that, we are taught to value each member of our organization as if we ourselves were in her shoes, and what employer wouldn’t want that characteristic in an…show more content…
As corny as it sounds, when a person joins one of these amazing organizations, it comes with a life-long support system and an amazing group of people that you can truly call brothers or sisters. Each individual joined their particular sorority or fraternity because they saw a bit of themselves in each of the members, and that likeness and connection does not disappear. Everyone shares an unbreakable bond that is indescribable, and can literally be found across the world at any given moment. Whether it be through raising money, volunteering to clean up run-down homes for people in need, or simply bonding over a game night, I would never be who I am without my sorority sisters. They constantly help me to grow and become a better and stronger person. After all, if greek life were only partying and being promiscuous like Hollywood makes it out to be, would we have had Presidents and Congressmen who are part of it? I think
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