Standards 11-14 Essay

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Standards 11-14 11A) Railroads had an impact on other industries because they allowed goods to be shipped quicker than ever before. Other industries, such as the steel industry, benefited from this as the supplies could move quickly to any part of the country, which in turn helped big business. 11B) Railroads gave people a quick way to the west, where they could have a fresh start. This was due to the transcontinental railroad, which linked the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the U.S., which was completed May 10, 1869. These railroads were completed by thousands of Chinese immigrants, who had to face discrimination and were paid less than whites. 11C) John D. Rockefeller was an oil tycoon who used a trust to gain control of America, eventually becoming incredibly rich as a result. Due to trusts not being legal mergers, Rockefeller reaped most of the profits. His company, Standard Oil Company, made him a lot of money due to his tactic of lowering his prices below his competition, then raising them when he controlled the market. 11D) Thomas Edison was a pioneer on the new industrial frontier, the perfected the incandescent light bulb-patented in 1880- and later invented an entire system for producing and distributing electrical power. These two inventions paved the way for other inventions, such as the motion picture. All of these inventions made American life easier due to their ingenuity. 12A) Ellis Island was an immigration station in New York Harbor, which immigrants had to pass in order to be admitted to the United States. The process was long, often taking five hours or more. The change of the immigrants’ origins changed urban America because immigrants began coming from more cultured places. 12B) The American Federation of labor was an alliance of trade and craft unions, which was formed in 1886. Samuel Gompers was the president of the group, which focused
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