Spread Of Christianity In Rome

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Christianity in Rome In Rome, emperors argued over the nature of Christ, which prolonged the integration of Christianity into the Roman Empire (118). As a result, Constantine called a meeting with the first “ecumenical” council, which included representatives of the world (118). Leading to the creation of the Council of Nicaea, which was a huge impact on the appeal of Christianity in Rome. Although many Romans were suspicious of the new religion which delayed full conversion, Christianity appealed to Roman authorities in the fourth century because of the uniformity it brought to the Roman religion. Fearing change, conservative Romans looked suspiciously at any religious advancement (Sherman 114). Romans feared converting to Christianity because Christians included the poor, slaves, and women as equals in their congregations, which violated the traditional Roman social order (Sherman 115). Traditional Romans also did not want to upset the Gods that they had previously been worshipping; they found rejection of their old gods difficult, leaving Romans hesitant of switching religions to Christianity (Sherman 115). Many authorities chose to harass Christians, while others simply just ignored the new religion (Sherman 115). In the late fourth century Theodosius I…show more content…
Christianity became the uniform religion of the Roman Empire with the help of the Council of Nicaea and the Emperor Constantine. Even though some Romans hesitated the conversion to Christianity, Theodosius I enforced the final movement towards Christianity (Sherman 116). By the fourth century Roman emperors converted, resulting in the empire itself, to become Christian (Sherman 121). Even though the adoption of Christianity took long, in the fourth century it eventually appealed to Roman authorities and became the official Religion of Rome. With the help of Constantine and Theodosius I this religious transformation brought uniformity to
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