Spanish Vs English Exploration

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Since the beginning of time, different groups of people have been roaming the earth, looking for places to settle and claim as their own. But since the late 1400’s to the early 1500’s, two of the major peoples that had begun exploring were the Spanish and the English. Although both groups had similar purposes for their explorations, they also had different goals, achievements and failures. Both Spanish and English exploration was similar in the reasons that initiated them, but while the Spanish mainly based their travels around establishing easier trade routes, setting up markets to sell their goods, finding treasure, and spreading Christianity, the English were more concerned with colonization, getting rid of debtors and prisoners from the…show more content…
The Spanish were cruel, and crazed by the idea of finding treasure and conquering land and the peoples that inhabited them. Some 160,000 Spaniards, consisting mostly of men, subjugated millions of Indians. (textbook) Between slaughtering the Indians and infecting them with devastating diseases such as smallpox, the native population plummeted from over twenty million down to two million in less than a century. The Spaniards biggest problem was their thirst for gold and treasure. Many of the natives that they came across welcomed them wholeheartedly, until they abused the hospitality that was given to them and gave nothing in return. One Aztec can be quoted in saying that “They thirsted mightily for gold; they stuffed themselves with it; they starved for it; they lusted for it like pigs.” (textbook) Hernando Cortes was one of the explorers guilty of abusing the hospitality that he was treated with. He ended up conquering the Aztecs and killing their king, Montezuma. After he was killed, the Aztec’s lost their will to even fight back. Another Spanish explorer that wronged the Indians was Pizzaro, who conquered the Incas. He first held their king for a ransom of gold, and even after receiving it, killed him anyway. This further proves that all the Spaniards cared about was feeding their hunger for gold and…show more content…
They were selfish, and only kept the Indians around until they had what they needed from them, then they shunned and isolated them from their own lands. They were only interested in getting what they needed from the Indians so they could establish their colonies, especially their land. One of the major tribes that tried to befriend the English were the Powhattans. They were interested in helping the English in areas such as trade and setting them up with land. They also offered to join as allies against neighboring tribes. But conflicts arose over land disputes and other disagreements, and the English ended up angering the Powhattans. The English now viewed this tribe, and other tribes around them as a mere obstacle in the way of their plans for settlement. War broke out and the Indians were eventually driven from their native lands and forced to move farther west. The English were now left to fend for themselves with no allies, just
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