Solitude Is Bliss Related to as You Like It for Belonging

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Belonging is when someone finds a space where they feel secure and have a sense of inclusion. However, some people like to not belong, to be different. In Tame Impala’s psychedelic song ‘Solitude is Bliss’, belonging has been represented through finding ecstasy in isolation. As You Like It, composed by William Shakespeare, correlates with the song, especially through characters such as Jacques. Even though they don’t like the company of others, the speaker has found a place where they can feel secure by themselves. “Space around me where my soul can breathe, I’ve got body that my mind can leave.” The use of personification in ‘soul can breathe’ creates the idea that the speaker has found a new level of peace while not belonging. Similarly in Shakespeare’s play, a place where people feel secure is in the Forest of Arden, a place where people have chosen to exile themselves. “Hath not old custom made this life more sweet than that of painted pomp?” The used of the plosives in ‘painted pomp’ adds the disgust of a life where everyone depends on you, showing not belonging can bring delight. In the song, the speaker makes it obvious that they don’t want to include anyone, or to be included. “I care less and less about even less about you”, the repetition on the word ‘less’ exemplifies just how much they don’t want include or belong with anyone by choice. Additionally the awkward sentence structure also adds to the idea of the speaker being secluded for so long they can’t properly communicate with other people anymore. The high modality language used on the chorus, ‘you will never come close to how I feel’, gives the impression that the speaker doesn’t understand that others can feel like they do, that other people like to be alone. The repetition of it only exaggerates how much they’re closed off to others implying a tone that seems as if they’re better than

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