Social Organized Crime Perspective

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Social Organized Crime Perspective Shannon Santiago University of Phoenix CJA 384 Leroy Hendrix June 03, 2012 Social Organized Crime Perspective Social institutions are an important part of everyday life. Social institutions are what make up the world. Social institutions not only help to define society but also help to determine the type of person an individual will become. Social institutions help to mold an individual; teaching him or her different traits, rituals, and behaviors to possess. Social institutions are an important part of organized crime as well. Social institution determines the type of socialism within an organized crime group. This paper will discuss and explain social institution and how it applies to organized crime. As well as, which empirical and speculative theories are most applicable when applied to organized crime and criminal behavior. Social Institution and how it applies to organized crime A social institution is a social group that an individual lives in or grows up around (Lyman & Potter, 2007). There are many examples of social institutions like a school, for example. A school is a social institution because it is a place where students are taught different things; it shapes a student into who he or she becomes as an adult. Any social institution helps to define the person an individual grows up to be based on the experiences he or she had within that institution (Lyman & Potter, 2007). Social institution is applied to organized crime in the sense that it is a part of the environment (Lyman & Potter, 2007). Different organized crime groups, like the mafia for example, are social institutions. Many people believe that if an
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