Social Economical and Political of England and France That Lead to the Sucess or Failure of Charles I and Louis Xiv

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Gabby Rodriguez Period 3 15, October 2012 I am going to analyze the social, economical, and political factors of the 17th century England and France that leads to the success or failure of Charles I and Louis XIV. Both Charles I and Louis XIV ruled their individual states but they ruled similarly by political philosophy of absolutism. In this essay I will talk about how Charles I of England and Louis XIV of France both contributed to the success or failure to the monarchies of the seventeenth century of England. Of the two, Louis XIV was more of a dominant ruler due to his control over political issues, the social class, and his economy. There are many differences that Charles I and Louis XIV had in their states socially. For instance, Charles I made the peasants resent taxes. Louis XIV, on the other hand, kept the social pyramid balanced and strict. Louis XIV was called the “Sun King” and it showed his dominance and how much the empire actually needed him. Louis XIV had the administrative authority which is better that what Charles had, and that was the alienation of Puritans. Charles I created religious tensions, however, Louis XIV had the local institution remain retained. Louis XIV actions had a positive effect on his economy where as Charles I was not as fortunate, and did not rule as well as Lewis. Charles I and Louis XIV had their differences in the way they ruled socially, but they had many similarities economically. Charles I wanted to have more money, but the Parliament would not give it to him. Charles I disbanded Parliament because they did not trust him, all he wanted was money but he was to poor. So because of this he ignored Parliament and began to tax people. No one liked this at all because it was unfair that he was taxing everyone for his own benefit, and to help the wars. He needed the money for the wars because Parliament refused to help
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