How Far Do You Agree That the Main Cause of the French Revoulution Was the Unfairness of the System of the Three Estates

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----------------------- How far do you agree that the main cause of the French Revolution was the unfairness of the Three Estates In this essay I will be talking about three main factors that I think caused the main cause of the French Revolution to be the unfairness of the Three Estates system. The three factors are social problems about the Three Estates, economic problems about the Three Estates and finally political problems about the Three Estates. First I am going to be writing about Social Problems. Social Problems involved problems such as Poor Harvests and Unemployment. Poor harvests played a big part in causing the French Revolution since people were already angry with the King spending too much on himself and not enough on the country and then extreme weather such as snow and rain comes and causes the people of France to get even more annoyed even though the poor harvest was not the King’s fault. The poor harvests later caused the price of bread to shoot up which in turn forced people (especially people in the third estate) to spend more on bread and less on luxuries such as shoes and hats. This in turn affected most factory owners as they would’ve had to fire workers or lower wages of the current factory workers. This put unemployment at a very high rate due to factories having to fire workers and the people who did get fired would have to starve most days because they were not earning any money. This whole incident wouldn’t have been so bad if the Three Estates system was fairer since having all three estates paying the same amount of tax would enable the third estate to spend more on food such as bread instead of having the third estate paying the most tax and the first and second paying close to nothing. Another Social Problem was unemployment because, as I explained before, unemployed people didn’t have a source of income so they had to

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