Discuss How the Economic and Political Differences Between the Patricians and Plebians Classes Led to a Plebeian Revolt

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OKWUEGBE ALFRED UNIVERSITY OF PEOPLE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT UNIT 4 HIST 1421 INTRODUCTION The Plebian Rebellion (also known as the conflict of the orders) was a political and economic struggle between the Plebeians (commoners) and the Patricians (aristocrats) of the ancient Roman Republic, in which the Plebeians sort political and economic equality with the Patricians. Early Rome was ruled by Etruscan Kings from northern Italy, The Patricians and the Plebeians overthrew the Etruscans and created a republic around 509 B.C.E., Lucius Brutus led the revolt that drove out the Etruscan kings. Power in the early republic belonged to rich men called Patricians, and the Plebeians, had no say in the government. Rome became an aristocratic republic, and not a democratic republic. The Patricians came from a small group of wealthy landowners. They controlled the most valuable land. They held the important military and religious offices, while the Plebeians were most peasants, laborers, craftspeople and shopkeepers. They make up about 95 percent of Rome’s population. There was conflict between the Plebeians and the Patricians, a conflict of equality and even distribution of wealth. The Plebeians realized “the Patrician rule proved to be despotic as that of the kings.” (Morey W, 1901) After the wars, the Plebeians were left in a deplorable condition. While the men were serving in the army, their houses and farms were vandalized by the enemy, their families were driven away because they lived in the country. But the Patricians lived in the cities; they were protected by the city walls so they didn’t feel the devastating effects of the war like the Plebeians. The Plebeians having lost their misfortunes to war, they were reduced to more poverty and in great distress. The only means for their survival was to borrow money from the rich Patricians and because they couldn’t pay back,
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