Slaughterhouse Five Rhetorical Analysis

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Listen up world. Read what is about to be typed...It is a friday afternoon and you are walking down the street towards the coffee shop to meet with some friends. Suddenly for no apparent reason you're thrown back in time and you're back in the war on the battlefield watching your best friend die in your arms again, again, and again. They tell you that your friend died in honor and reward him with a Medal of Honor that will sit and collect dust. However, do they realize that he was only 17 years old and had a mother back home waiting to be comforted by his next letter home telling her he is alive. He will never feel the warmth of love or the restlessness of being a father. In the novel, Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut gives the world a wake up call, showing to them that there is no glorious victor or side, everyone suffers from the raft of war. Vonnegut uses his characters to express his anti war feelings. Vonnegut cannot express his feelings on the war and the Dresden firebombing directly because he believes “there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre” (Vonnegut 19). The conclusion that Vonnegut comes to after examining the causes and effects of Dresden is that there indeed is no moral, only the Poo-tee-weet of the bird call. “Poo-tee-weet” is the only rational thought on a war Vonnegut can find (Vonnegut 215). He cannot explain or even comment on the death and destruction he has seen in Dresden. This strengthens the idea that war can have terrible consequences even on those who survive the war physically and return home as Vonnegut and Billy Pilgrim do. Showing to the people that even after the war is long over and there is no more need to sleep every night with one eye open our brave “soldiers” are expected to live life like nothing happened. As if they never had to kill another human being. Vonnegut uses Billy Pilgrim to show the terrible
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