Skills and Characteristics of Crisis Intervention Workers

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Skills and Characteristics of Mental Health Christy Bailey CJA 410 August 3, 2015 Christopher Marco Skills and Characteristics of Mental Health Mental health services and crisis intervention programs are an integral part of many law enforcement agencies in today’s society. With the increase in the number of mentally ill persons becoming involved in criminal justice issues, the development of crisis intervention programs geared toward helping the mentally ill person through the crisis instead of incarcerating him or her has become an important factor in many communities. The purpose of this paper is to explore a crisis intervention program or mental health service within the criminal justice system. The Houston Police Department’s Mental Health Unit is the mental health service and crisis intervention programs that will be explored in this paper. The specific services provided by the Mental Health Unit of the Houston Police Department will be explained. Special skills and characteristics needed to provide effective crisis intervention and mental health services will be defined and explained. The difference between the actions, skills, and characteristics that are required of a professional in the criminal justice system that is trained in crisis intervention and a mental health practitioner or social worker will be provided. The Mental Health Unit of the Houston Police Department The Mental Health Unit of the Houston Police Department houses and oversees a variety of programs; the Chronic Consumers Stabilization Initiative (CCSI), The Crisis Intervention Response Team (CIRT), and the Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) (Houston Police Department Mental Health Division, 2015). Services Provided by the Chronic Consumers Stabilization Initiative (CCSI) The Chronic Consumers Stabilization Initiative (CCSI) was implemented to deal specifically with mentally

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