Should People Be Allowed to Exit Jail on Bail

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In my opinion, I think prisoners should be allowed to be freed on bail. They have family and a job to handle, they deserve another chance, and they take up money and space by living in a jail cell. Prisoners all have family to look after, and they need to work to earn money. If they are not freed, they will obviously be laid off or their business will collapse and their family may have to live in the projects funded by the government. As well, if they are to remain in jail that will affect all their loved ones because their family may not afford to needed items, such as food, water and shelter. However, if their family helps pay the bail, the prisoner will be freed and can help his/her family gain back the money lost by going to work and will be an extra helping hand for taking care of the children and performing household chores. Therefore, prisoners should be allowed to withdraw from jail on bail for their family and job’s sake. By the time people experience the pain of living in a jail cell, they will most likely have learned their lesson. Everyone deserves a second chance, and if someone or themselves are willing to pay the bail, they will probably appreciate it and start changing their actions (giving back to community or society with a regretting mind). There is a human rights law that declares “We all live free and equal.” Everyone, even criminals fit in that category and they deserve to live a balanced life, but as a punishment, they are not living a free life. If the prisoner has committed a terrible crime, police could still monitor him/her by putting them under house arrest. That way, they will not be allowed to depart their home but they can still live a customary life. Furthermore, life is too short, and many agonizing years should not be spent in prison, especially after their lesson is comprehended. Additionally, criminals take up

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