Should Anyone Say Forever?

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Should Anyone Say Forever? Page 15 Chapter II Components of Commitment We are still in the foothills of the subject of commitment. A commitment, at least as it is specified in this study, is much more than a choice. It is also considerably more complex than a simple promise. And in many instances it is difficult to see how it is a source of freedom. Unless, therefore, we take these reflections further and deeper, we will have failed to do justice to the subject matter of this study. The Primordial Level of Commitment Having become interested in this subject a few years ago, I began a course on commitment by asking my students to write an essay on the subject: “To whom and/or to what are you committed?” Both the students and I were disappointed with the results. It proved surprisingly difficult for them to dredge up and explain it objectifiable terms what had become organic to their lives. [page 38] It seemed like trying to describe a flower by exhuming it to see its roots. The assumption of my question was that commitments were definable and objectifiable, and that assumption proved to be not altogether true. One of the problems was that the self seemed either to be left out of the inquiry altogether, or it was made the whole focus of what one was committed to. To ignore the self seemed to the students to be unsound and unreal, since it is an inalienable part of one’s commitment. But by the same token, to make the entire framework of commitment revolve around the self seemed both self-centered and inaccurate. By posing a question which the students found virtually impossible to answer, I came to realize something important about the nature of
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