Shawn Thomas Biography

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Shawn Thomas was born on January 14, 1971. He lived in Walla Walla, Washington until the age of six, then migrated to Kansas. Thomas attended high school at Jayhawk-Linn. A friend got him hooked on running his senior year. They did workouts together, he said, “I thought I would be pretty good at it, so I gave it a shot.” After senior year he attended college at Emporia State University. His exposure to college athletics was a great experience, one of his favorites. After his college career, his love for the sport did not pass and the only thing to do to keep that passion burning was to become a coach. However, he wasn’t always interested in coaching or teaching. His true dream was to work for the national government and become a park ranger. While at ESU Thomas became an outstandingly good athlete. Obviously he had made the right decision back in high school. Shawn was a nine-time All-American in cross-country and outdoor and indoor track. Coaching ranked high on his list of desired career choices during…show more content…
Shawn was getting to coach and teach, which suited him nicely. Coaching allowed him to keep his competitive spirit (even if he couldn’t compete himself). “I may not be able to compete myself,” Thomas said, “but I like to compete against the other coaches and watch my athletes kick their athletes butts.” Coach Thomas earned himself the title of 3A coach of the year in the state of Kansas, due to that competitive spirit he has flowing through his veins. Thomas felt this was a huge mile marker in his coaching career. “This was a immense accomplishment for me,” He said, “and it shows that throughout my coaching career I have always been moving in the right direction.” In order for him to be the excellent coach he is, he has to give up family time and with the supportive family he has, that never causes

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