Self Reflective Journal

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Week 4 Self Reflective Journal * What was your initial response to what you read? After reading about rites of passages for Part I, I learned more about the different types of rites of passages. It made me want to research different cultures and learn more about their ceremonies. After reading From Boys to Men of Heart: Hunting as Rite of Passage for Part II, my initial response was understanding rites of passages more, realizing that different cultures use hunting for example to help them become better citizens, transition from boys to men and instilling high-quality intelligence into the boys by role models and mentors. * Can you identify any biases that you might have about the cultural practices you will discuss in either Part I or Part II of your Final Research Paper? I have not identified any biases on the culture practices that I’ve read about in the book or from Boys to Men of Heart: Hunting as Rite of Passage. * Identify any problems you might be having in looking at your own culture from an etic perspective or the other culture from an emic perspective. One problem I feel I may face looking at other cultures from an emic perspective would be fully understanding different cultures and the reasons they do certain things, including rite of passages. It is difficult for me to explain things I do not understand by learning from an insiders or natives meaningful account. This is a subject I feel as if I will need to conduct more research on a specific culture to be able to fully demonstrate my relativistic
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