Self-Assessment: Reflecting On Your Goals

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Self-Assessment Chapter 9 : Reflecting on You Goals Rhetorical Knowledge 1) Audience: What have you learned about addressing an audience in evaluative writing? That you have to write in the third person, to allow the audience to get a better view on the facts, and not what you think about the topic. 2) Purpose: What have you learned about the purposes for constructing an evaluation? To make sure you are using the correct facts and things that will draw the audience in. 3) Rhetorical situation: How did the writing context affect your evaluative text? How did your choice subject affect the research you conducted and the way you presented your evaluation? It changed my mind on my views about the whole process of natural gas. It…show more content…
How did you judge what was most and least important in your evaluation? By gather the information that seemed most reliable and valuable. I conducted more research on the different issues and took what seemed most resourceful. 2) Responsibility: How did you fulfill your responsibility to your readers? I gathered the most informative information. 3) Reading and research: What did you learn about evaluative writing from the reading selections in this chapter? What research did you conduct? How sufficient was the research you did? How to make it flow, so that the readers are able to understand what you are trying to get across. How to list my pros and cons and be able to write in the third person. It was all very helpful. 4) Skills: As a result of writing this evaluation, how have you become a more critical thinker, reader, and writer? What skills do you hope to develop further in your next writing project? I have become more conscious for who I am writing for, and how I want it to be received. To be more attentive to misspelled words and to make sure my whole essay flows

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