Security Cameras Essay

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Security Cameras Mean Safety Rachel Hendricks Shorter University Abstract Security Cameras Mean Safety There are many benefits to consider when deciding whether or not it should be required by law to install video cameras in all public places. Video cameras can provide a feeling of elevated safety and protection to the general public. Crimes and other illegal activities may be prevented once cameras are installed. Law enforcement can use the video as evidence when attempting to convict someone for a crime. These are all reasons the benefits outweigh any negatives to having video cameras in public be required by law. No one understands the benefits of surveillance cameras quite like Rodney King. Luckily for him, the severe beating he received from several Los Angeles police officers in 1991 was captured by a security camera. (Zeidler, 2012) Some believe without this video as evidence, it would be Mr. King’s word against the officers resulting in the failure of justice. However, since the ugly details of this brutal event were recorded, justice was served. Stories like Rodney Kings should be factored in when considering whether or not to install surveillance cameras. If all public places were required to install video surveillance cameras, there would be many benefits as a result. A feeling of elevated safety and protection by the general public, prevention of thefts and illegal activities, and assistance of law enforcement in the apprehension of criminals are three major benefits to the requirement of cameras installed in all public areas. The first benefit of security cameras is the elevated feeling of protection and safety. Most people are aware of security cameras inside of stores and places where there are goods to be stolen. What about the value of peace of mind? When walking from a store to a vehicle in a parking lot that is

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