The Pros And Cons Of Red Light Cameras

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Tom has always sped through red lights because the cops were never there to catch him or nothing bad has ever happened so why should he stop now? His luck came to a screeching stop one day when as the light turned red Tom ran the red light again like it was no big deal, but this time a little girl was crossing the street after seeing the motion light signaled her across. Since Tom thought that he was above the law and he will now appear in court not for a speeding ticket but for murder. If there was red light traffic cameras at all major intersections then Tom would have slowed down at the fear of getting a ticket. Traffic light cameras should be used at all major intersections to prevent common traffic violations. In 2006 in the U.S., as many as 171,000 crashes, 144,000 injuries and 887 fatalities were attributed to red light running (NC to stop red light running). In Oak Ridge, TN over the past…show more content…
Intersection accidents are just that, accidents. Motorists do not casually drive through red lights. More likely, they do not see a given traffic light because they are distracted, impaired, or unfamiliar with their surroundings. Even the most flagrant of red-light violators will not drive blithely into a crowded intersection. People believe that putting cameras on poles and taking pictures will not stop these kinds of accidents. In synopsis, traffic light cameras need to be placed at all major intersections because they prevent accidents,help with the county revenue, and provide extra assistance for the law enforcement. There are concerns from the public with red light cameras, such as the driver of the car can not be positively identified and they increase accidents instead of reducing them. However, there will be more positive reinforcement than negative by providing more traffic light cameras to major intersections. Overall, they will not only improve road safety, they will also save
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