Scout as a Good Samaritan

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Scout as a Good Samaritan Through out the story To Kill A Mockingbird Scout grows from a young tomboy to a compassionate young lady. When Scout is introduced in the novel she is described as a rude and quick-tempered young lady who feels as though there is nothing wrong with beating someone up. She is seen as unsympathetic human, which makes her similar to the preist in The Good Samaritan story. As she begins to grow she is still rude and quick-tempered but manages to restrain herself from using physical violence to solve her problems. Scout also learns many valuble lessons about how the people living in her town are biased and racist. Scout’s personality matures exponentially throughout the book and it definetly shows. At the beginning of the story Scout is only about 6 years old. She is a self-described tomboy with quite the temper. She struggles with making statements that are not rude and selfish for example when she was describing why Walter did not have a school lunch. She states, “ He’s a Cunningham”(p 26) and leaves it at that. She dresses in old overalls and would rather play in the dirt than do anything close to ladylike as Scout expresses "Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on the subject of my attire. I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches; when I said I could do nothing in a dress, she said I wasn't supposed to be doing things that required pants”. This makes her childhood filled with punishment and controversy from the people living Maycomb. As Scout gets older she begins to show some sort of improvement in her attitudes towards others. She learns how to control her temper and use her words instead of her fists. This is shown when she explains to her uncle Jack “I’m not trying to sass you, I’m just tryin’ to tell you” (pg. 113). She still struggles to treat others equally and with respect as she joins the Boo Radley game, which

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