Scott Pilgrim V.s. The World

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When talking about how movies can pull you into their worlds or thrust you out, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is one that, for me, does the latter. In the film, Scott Pilgrim and his friends live in the real world of Toronto, Canada. Its no different than the normal world we live in (except its Canada) but when he meets Ramona Flowers, his world becomes so much more than just normal. Scott must defeat Ramona’s 7 evil ex’s before they can truly be together and from there Scott begins his action-packed quest to win the heart of his dream girl. This is when the viewer becomes aware that they are watching a movie that is not real and the love story that started the film, is now replaced with action scenes that put some hardcore action movies to shame. People bursting to coins when they die, foes making their grand entrances by flying in from some sort of invisble hole in the sky and characters with the ability to be thrown against buildings and not die are just some of the elements that thrust the viewer out of Scott Pilgrim’s world. Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! But the nature of the story and the editing (the fast-paced editing techniques that are Edgar Wright) all make it hard to jump into the strange world of Toronto with these characters. Its hard to picture yourself in a world where everytime a loud noise is heard, the world for the noise is spelled out on screen. This movie also plays into our discussion of dreams. The first time I saw this movie, I felt like it played out like a dream. The non-important parts of the story like walking or a boring relationship were skipped and the film moved faster and more seamlessly. I feel like this is how a dream is. When you remember a dream, you don’t remember where it started or the little stuff like walking or tying your shoes. You remember where end of walking to and what happens there. This film doesn’t waste

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