Schools as Org Lo1

412 Words2 Pages
1. What is your course tutors email address? 2. Finish the sentence, ‘repeated absences or absence below 90% .. . . . . ‘will cause considerable difficulty for you and may jeopardise your achievement, this also may lead to you being asked to leave the course.’ 3. What should you do with your mobile phone during class sessions? Either switched off or on silent/vibrate. 4. What is the purpose of Moodle? It is a support resource to help learning and encourages interactivity with tutors and students, and to submit forms and assessments. 5. How many units do you need to complete successfully to gain YOUR Level 2 qualification? There are 11 units, core and specialist optional unit. 6. Please type out the sentence highlighted in yellow in your tracker, and describe what this means. ‘ Learning outcomes indicated below must be assessed in the work place’ This means that you are watched and assessed by the teacher at school to make sure you are meeting the requirements you need to complete your assignment. 7. What key word should be used to show your competence within your evidence? Use the word I not we to show your competence and not other peoples. 8. Assessed work must be in which font type, font size and line spaced? All work should be wrote out in Ariel size 14 font or comic sans size 14 with line space being set to 1 ½ space. 9. Amended work must be completed in what? Amended work must be completed in bold and italics. 10. Why should you NOT DELETE your original submission when resubmitting work? Work should not be deleted as the external moderator needs to see your progession. 11. If you gain 75% in your submitted assessments… Do you need to resubmit? No because it is a satisfactory pass and you have met the criteria but will be guided in how to improve future work. 12.

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