Sby's Political Discourse

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CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF SBY’S POLITICAL DISCOURSE THESIS Presented to Universitas Tujuh Belas Agustus 1945 In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra By: Wiraswastika Haris NIM 610202311 FACULTY OF LETTER UNIVERSITY OF 17 AGUSTUS 1945 SURABAYA CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Language is very interesting to study for centuries. Language also has a big role in the human social interaction. People could communicate well and utterance the ideas and thought in their mind through language. One obvious feature how language operates in social interaction is its relationship with power. Language is a weapon and a powerful tool in winning the public support. This power not only used in governmental language, politics and law, but also in advertisement, education, entertainment, business and culture. Language is therefore important enough to merit the attention of all citizens. In particular, so far as this book concerned, nobody who has interest in modern society, and certain nobody who has an interest in relationship of power in modern society, can afford to ignore language (Fairclough, 1989). Political language is basically used as a powerful tool in winning the support as well as the consent of both the public and the nation lawmakers Discourse Analysis invites us to move from seeing language as abstract to see our words as having meaning in a particular history, politic and social condition. Words are used to convey a broad meaning, and the meaning we convey with those words is identified by our historical, political and social condition. Discourse also has the power to interpret any conditions, issues, events, and other phenomenon in the society by using language and text. Critical discourse analysis (CDA), on the other hand, takes another path to send a different message.
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