Saving Private Ryan

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Saving Private Ryan, directed by Steven Spielberg, was filmed in 1998. The time period of this movie is during World War II. Saving Private Ryan is one of the most famous war movies to date because of its accurate and realistic battles and actor performances. The very beginning sets the tone of the movie by starting with a very graphic and gruesome battle while you follow John Miller and his men trying to successfully achieve their goal. Throughout the movie you follow John Miller, Tom Hanks, as him and his men are to find the last brother of the Ryan family. The last Ryan brother is the last surviving brother out of the four that listed into the war. With all three being deceased, the military wanted to get Private Ryan home safe because they feel it is the honorable and right thing to do considering the entire family could die at war. With no idea where Private Ryan is, Miller and his men are set out on a journey to find one man and to keep him alive through thrilling yet dangerous warfare. The movie follows their adventure through France in order to find one man, Private Ryan. Many historical movies tend to have many mistakes or out of date actions occurring. Making historical movies, especially war movies, are extremely tedious due to the fact that one thing can be wrong or spotted out that can have the audience having misperception of history. Portraying history correctly is the most important key to a successful movie set in the past. Saving Private Ryan is known for its success of time period, action, sound, and all around war effects. It is difficult to critique such a spot on World War II movie. Saving Private Ryan is not based on a true story but it was influenced by an event in history. Robert Rodat, the writer of the film, was influenced to write a story like this because he witnessed a memorial of eight siblings that all died during the Civil War.

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