Saul Hudson (Slash)

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Saul Hudson, also known as Slash, is a famous songwriter and successful British American Musician. Slash was noted for his role as lead guitarist of an American hard rock band “Guns N’ Roses”. He had a successful career and to this day still shows up in some of America’s greatest events. Slash is most known for his trade mark long curly hair covering his face and his tall black top hat. Sunglasses on his face with a cigarette in his mouth are also a few of the key signatures of Slash. His chosen guitar is a Gibson Les Paul of many different colors. There are extremely few cases where Slash does not use a Les Paul. Slash is said to own one hundred and ten guitars, including thirty variations of Gibson Les Pauls. He won best guitarist at the 2005 Esky Music Awards. Saul Hudson was born on July 23, 1965 and was born in England. Both of his parents were in the entertainment business in some form, his mother was a clothing designer (David Bowie hired her for costumes) and his father was an art director for a British record company. When Slash was 11 him and his mother left his father behind in England and headed off for Los Angeles, although he eventually met up with the two in Los Angeles many years later. Slash felt like an outsider in school because he did not really fit in with the other children. In the mid-seventies, Slash’s parents divorced and Slash moved in with his grandmother. During this time, Slash began to grow a great interest in riding bicycles and went on to win many awards and cash prizes in competition. He did not receive his first guitar until he was 15. Slash would find himself falling behind in school, so he would just stay home and play guitar all day. He eventually grew tired of the school life; He dropped out his junior year. He was living in Los Angeles, a city filled with the tones of young rock bands attempting to make names for themselves.

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