Sample Ethnographic Study

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Gestational Weight and Dietary Intake During Pregnancy: Perspectives of African American Women: A analysis review of behaviors in pregnant women The Health African Family I Project (HAAF) conducted an Ethnographic study. It was publically funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Data was collected during the year 1992-1995, on African American pregnant women, who lived in Los Angeles, California. A convenience sampling was used to gather the small group participants. The advantage of that is the availability and quickness of gathering data. The main focus of the study was to determine the cause of preterm babies, by the amount of food intake over the whole course of the pregnancy. The study used qualitative methods, which used statements from participants…show more content…
Such methods included designed instructions, reading, practice interviews, and feedback by the HAAF project. The study made sure that the data being obtain was actual creditability by triangulation methods. They audiotape the participants, to go back if necessary when gathering data. The questions that were of interest in the analysis of the study was the participants perception on weight, nutrition, and eating habits during pregnancy. Example "So tell me what you have been eating? What did you have yesterday? Like from morning to evening?". The study showed that there was poor maternal nutrition status, which means low in the necessary food nutrients. Past information had indicated that "Sufficient energy is a primary dietary requirement of pregnancy. If energy needs are not met, available protein, vitamin and minerals cannot be used effectively (pg2). Low intake of vitamins such as zinc has been to preterm deliveries. In the interviews it was apparent that the "participants usually justified weight gain from a cosmetic point of view, rather than the relationship of weight to pregnancy outcomes(pg5). There is an image

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