Safeguarding Essay

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Claire Kelly In this case study I am going to talk about legislation and organisational procedures relevant to own role in youth work setting such as safeguarding. I will identify about what safeguarding is and how safeguarding is a shared responsibility, whilst also looking at my own organisations child protection policy. Talk about what confidentiality is and the principle of this. Describe current requirements for risk assessments and key elements of own organisation’s child protection policy and procedures. Safeguarding is to protect yourself and others around you from harm. Ensuring everyone is safe and working together to stop problems arising and being aware of these issues. It’s your job as a youth worker to identify safeguarding issues. The Children Act 2004 and the Department for Education guidance document Working together to safeguard children focuses on safeguarding and promoting children and young people’s welfare. This can be summarised as: • protecting children from maltreatment • preventing impairment of children’s health or development • ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and • Undertaking the role to enable children to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully. ( Child protection is to protect children and young people from harm. They need protection because they are already in an insecure or unstable situation. The difference between the two is that child protection looks at recognising abuse and acting on it whereas safeguarding looks at keeping children and young people safe from a range of potential harm. This is a preventative action not just a reaction. ( Here are a few facts to show how important this issue is for practitioners. • Three-quarters (72%) of sexually abused children did
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