Supporting, Teaching and Learning in Schools

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NICOLA ITHELL UNIT 202 outcome 1 1.1 Current legislation, guidelines,Policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people are :- The All Wales Child Protection Procedures 2002/2008 are an essential part of safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. The common standards they provide guide and inform child protection practice in each of the Local and Regional Safeguarding Children Boards across Wales. They outline the framework for determining how individual child protection referrals, actions and plans are made and carried out. They are based on the principle that the protection of children from harm is the responsibility of all individuals and agencies working with children and families, and with adults who may pose a risk to children. Partnership working and communication between agencies is identified as key in order to identify vulnerable children and to help keep them safe from harm and abuse. The All-Wales Child Protection Procedures were originally written in 2002, and substantially revised in 2008. The children Act 1989 -- was brought in to ensure that all people who work with children worked together and were clear about their responsibilities and knew how to act if allegations of child abuse were made. Parents and professionals must work to ensure the safety of the child. Local Authority has ‘a duty to investigate when there is a reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. Following the death of Victoria Climbie in the year 2000, an independent inquiry highlighted many problems with how reports of neglect and child abuse were dealt with and found that vulnerable people in society were not being safeguarded. The Laming report led to the governments Every Child Matters paper and The Children Act 2004. The Every Child Matters paper is aimed at ensuring every child

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