Safeguarding Essay

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This assignment will be focusing on Safeguarding Children. I will explore its meaning within the early years setting. Therefore identifying signs and indications of abuse to show the importance of recognising these early and acting appropriately to this. The four areas of abuse I will be looking at are physical, sexual, neglect and emotional abuse. Part of my assignment will show my understanding to past and present law and legislation that relates to safeguarding children. I plan to critically analyse the positive and negative parts of legislation. The main laws I have researched are the Children Act 1989 and 2004, Every Child Matters, Human Rights, United Nations Convention on the rights of a child and the Equality Act 2010. I will give a brief overview on different theories of abuse and possibilities of why some abuse occur. I have included my own Safeguarding Children’s Policy and plan to update this when I have done this assignment if needed. There are many obstacles we have to face whilst working with multi agencies therefore I will discuss some of these points, including the importance of parent partnership. I have learnt all about the Common Assessment Framework for children and young people (CAF) and I will include my findings along with how and why a serious case review would take place. Lastly I will reflect on my own role as a professional to see what improvements I can make to my skills to help deal with situations that may arise. I am hoping by the end of this assignment to have a secure understanding of different types of abuse, how to identify it and what the next steps would be to prevent child abuse continuing. Safeguarding can be defined as keeping children safe from harm, giving parents the skills they need to bring the children up in a safe environment. Child protection and safeguarding are very similar, but child protection
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