Rwt1 Social Media And Marketing Paper

3064 Words13 Pages
Business Research Report Social Media and Marketing Assessment Code: RWT1 Student Name: Student ID: Date: Mentor Name: Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 Research Findings 5 Twitter 5 Pinterest 6 Facebook 7 Recommendations 8 Conclusion 8 References 10 Executive Summary This paper presents findings that support the value and wisdom of using social media as a marketing strategy in business. Social media platforms enable brands to expand in current markets as well as become introduced in new markets. Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook are social media platforms that are widely used to promote a brand, helping to create trust and loyalty between a brand and its consumers. Twitter…show more content…
I would recommend that we utilize all three social platforms and have them work together in favor of the business. Each platform, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook can offer exposure to a different market. Recommendation: Offer special coupons and promotions on the social platforms. This will allow the brand to keep our consumers involved and returning to our store. It will also let us track what social platforms are being used the most, therefore enabling us to tailor our deals to our consumers. Recommendation: Have a dedicated employee (or employees) monitor Twitter and Facebook feed. They should be able to quickly respond to concerns our consumers have, as well as be personable and friendly. We would like the social media employees to be an extension of the brand, building trust with our consumer. Recommendation: Tailor a Pinterest Board to draw consumers in and extend our market. Board we put up on Pinterest should be fun and informative. They may not focus solely on our brand but they can allow our consumers to learn about us, trust us and come to use with…show more content…
Without access to social media a brand can become lost. It would be beneficial to any brand, large or small, to utilize social media to expand their brand awareness and enter into new markets. Twitter grants one-on-one interaction with our consumers. This makes us more approachable, we are viewed as people instead of a brand. It created trust between us. Twitter allows us to quickly and efficiently solve and problems our consumers may have, as well as tell them thanks for being there. Pinterest lets our consumers know what the brands interests are . The brand can post pictures and short videos about what appeals to us, what changes we are trying to implement in our business and what we think on a daily basis. As our consumers view our pins and re-pin them our brand is exposed to new consumers as well as untapped markets. Facebook is a social app that allows us to easily reward our consumers for their loyalty and friendliness. If they choose to get the Facebook Places app they will be able to share with their friends about where they are and show that our brand is good and trustworthy. Without trust and interaction between the brand and consumers the brand cannot grow. The best way to gain that interaction is through social

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