Btec Level 3 Business

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Unit 34 M2: Assess how own website design contributes to fulfilling the organisation’s purpose through meeting the requirements of the target audience Report – Fashion House In this report, I will be assessing how well my website design will help ‘Fashion House’ to achieve its main purpose and how well the design meets the needs of the targeted audience of the business. How the website design will help ‘Fashion House’ achieve its purpose: The main purpose of the business ‘Fashion House’ is to generate sales, through trading with customers across the United Kingdom, using their online website which has been created by me. The websites has many design features which will contribute to helping ‘Fashion House’ to achieve its objective of generating sales. The website which I have created for the business consists of a Homepage, an About Us page, two product pages and a Contact Us page which will allow users to easily navigate through the website to search for what they are looking for. Also, by having the website divided into different sections, users will be able to quickly find the desired product on the website which they are looking for. This will allow the customer to purchase the products from the website speedily and this process will allow ‘Fashion House’ to move closer to achieving their goal. Furthermore, the payment process on the website is also very efficient and will allow the business to achieve their purpose of generating sales as the website accepts all major credit and debit cards. This is very convenient for customers as it will speed up the payment process which will contribute to the business getting closer to achieving their goal. How the website’s design meets the needs of the targeted audience: My website for ‘Fashion House’ has been designed in a simple, yet professional format to meet the needs of the businesses targeted audience.

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