Romeo And Juliet Fact Sheet

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INTRODUCTORY TASKS TASK 1 Read the following interpretation of “Romeo and Juliet” plot. Then complete the task relating to The Chorus at the bottom. Romeo, Like Wow! Mike Hayden, Reader’s Digest, September 1995 At the end of the school year my 14-year-old daughter’s English class tackled Romeo and Juliet. She had to give an oral report. Having listened to her on the phone, I can just imagine how it went. This is like a real super sad play about this guy Romeo and this chick called Juliet. They had names like that ‘cause it was like the real old days, before MTV. No one had cool names like Blair or Piper or Flick. They had real dorky names like Benvolio and Tybalt and Mercutio. Anyway, these two families, the Montagues and the…show more content…
What do the families do to bury their hate of each other? Whose unfortunate, pitiful defeat Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife. Fight and kill Fight and kill The fearful passage of their death-marked love The fearful course of their doomed and fatal love And the continuance of their parent’s rage, And the continuance of their familys’ violent hatred Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove, Which nothing except their children’s death could stop Is now the two hours traffic of our stage, Is now what will be performed for 2 hours on the stage The which if you with patient ears attend, Which if you listen with patient ears What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. The details that we haven’t given you we will attempt to supply. Because its more interesting that way, and it adds to the sadness of the play Because its more interesting that way, and it adds to the sadness of the play Question: Why do you think Shakespeare chose to let his audience know Romeo and Juliet are going to…show more content…
| FACT | FICTION | Bathing was considered to be a health risk! | * | | Nobody drank water. Beer was the standard tipple, and it was strong. It was drunk throughout the day at breakfast, lunch and dinner! | * | | Actors of Shakespeare’s time would regularly trash inns, drink heavily, chase the local girls and generally wreak havoc! | * | | The streets of London were narrow, cobbled and slippery with the slime of refuse as chamber pots were emptied out of windows! | * | | Shakespeare produced some of the most original plays of his time. Before he came onto the scene going to the theatre was boring! | | * | Shakespeare’s father could not read or write! Neither could his two daughters! | * | | Gravesites were reused because of a shortage. It was discovered that 1 out of every 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside! | * | | Shakespeare was born on April 23rd and died on April 23rd! | | * | All Shakespeare left for his wife when he died was his best bed. Everything else he left to his two daughters! | | * | The 37 plays that are attributed to Shakespeare were probably written by someone else. Shakespeare could barely write his own name! | | *
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