Romans 14-17 Research Paper

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Introduction My purpose in writing this paper is to examine one of the most significant passages of scripture in one of the most significant books in the New Testament. Romans 1:14-17 can be described as the mission statement of the Apostle Paul in all of his missionary endeavors. Understanding this passage is the key in understanding the core Christian doctrines that the Apostle Paul would articulate in this letter to the Romans. In this report, I intend to answer the following questions: What is the gospel? How does the power of the gospel translate to sinful man? Does the gospel message have the power to give life to man in his sinful state? And ultimately, does the gospel have the power to save ‘all’? Paul begins this letter with his normal Pauline writing style. After expressing his apostleship, Paul gives the reader a glimpse of what was to come as he…show more content…
For Old Testament believers the promise of deliverance appeared in Exodus 19:5–6. For New Testament believers the content of the gospel appeared in 1 Corinthians 15:1–4. The role of Jesus is a central feature of the gospel for New Testament believers. What is the gospel? Paul defines it very clearly in 1 Corinthian 4:2-3. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, Romans 1:16 tells us that the gospel is the “power of God unto
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