Apologetics Worldview Essay

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Part One: The term Worldview means how one views the world around them. It is the filter through which we interpret everything in our lives. It is literally our perception of the world, be it Theist (including Religionist & Christian), Naturalist, Humanist, Secularist, Evolutionist, Rationalist, Atheist, Intelligent design, or Creationist. Our worldview helps us to deal with ethical issues we come across every day. Part Two: 1. The Question of Origin - This question asks, “Why am I here?”, “How did life begin?”and “Where did I come from.” From a young age we ponder how we came to be, much beyond the scientific explanation of when sperm and egg meet. The bible says that God created everything (Genesis 1:1) and that God created mankind to fellowship with Him. (2 Corinthians 5:15) 2. Question of Identity - This question asks, “Who am I? What does it mean to be human? Are humans more important than animals?” God is eternal and made us in His image(Genesis 1:27) He has placed humans over the animal kingdom and told us to subdue it.(Genesis 1:28.) 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose - This question asks, “Why am I here? Why does mankind exist?” God has chosen us and equipped us (John 15:16) to spread the message of Jesus so that all would know the love of The Father through Christ’s sacrifice (John 3:16.) We are here to tell (evangelize) everyone the good news of the Gospel. 4. The Question of Morality - This question asks, “What is right/wrong?” We base the answer on the commandments God gave. (Mark 12:30-31) God has established the laws of the land that we ought to follow to be in the favor of God and so that we can live in an upright manner and show others how to live through our actions (Romans 13:1-7.) 5. Question of Destiny - This asks the question, “What happens when we die? Will my choices affect my after life?” Our choice to ask

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