Principle Beliefs of Christianity

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Describe the principle beliefs of Christianity Over the years, Christianity has organised its principle beliefs into a systematic theology. These principle beliefs have been discovered through scared text and writings and traditions of the Church. The principle beliefs include; Jesus as human and divine, Death and resurrection of Jesus, The nature of God and the Trinity, Revelation and Salvation. The divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ was easily understood in the time of the Roman Empire, as those could understand that a man could become a God. Athanasius suggested that Jesus was a God and also fully human at the same time and this theory was adopted as the correct teaching of the Church by the Roman Emperor Constantine. A debate known as the Christological controversies, argues how one can be fully human as well as fully God, which caused much controversy in the fourth and fifth centuries. Docetism is the view that Jesus was fully divine but he was not truly human. This theory claims that Jesus was God but simply had the appearance of being human but was not one. This doctrine was rejected by orthodox Christians. Arianism is the belief that Jesus is superior to the rest of creation but is less divine than God, this making Jesus not actually God. The death and resurrection of Jesus has key beliefs within it. These include that Jesus died for our sins, the reflections on the death of Jesus, the belief of the resurrection is a fundamental tenet of Christianity and the nature of risen Jesus. The belief that Jesus died on the cross for our sins was initiated as Jesus promoted he was sent to Earth by God to save humankind. To reflect on Jesus’ death in one way, one may examine and understand the importance of the death of Jesus by seeing Jesus’ selflessness. The belief of the resurrection is exemplified in the Nicene Creed. The Nicene Creed testifies the
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