Role of Project Manager

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Project manager plays an essential role in successful completion of a project. Project manager ensures that the project team completes the project on time. To accomplish this, he makes the project plan with team members and works accordingly. The main focus of project manager is the customer’s need. Project manager works with the stakeholders to get the requirements and necessary approvals required for the project. Project managers are responsible to satisfy task needs, team needs, and individual needs (PMI, 2013, p.16). Project manager conducts the team meetings periodically, assesses the risk associated with the project. In addition, he makes sure that the project is delivered on time and within the budget. The project should meet all the standards required by the company and satisfy the stakeholders expectations. Project team members talk to project manager to discuss the problems related to a project. The project manager must be able to solve these problems. Project manager must be motivated and have a positive attitude in the difficult situations also. If at any time, project manager is unable to solve the problem, he must talk to the senior management. Project manager must have strong interpersonal and communication skills as he has to meet the stakeholder’s expectations (Schwalbe, 2010, p. 24). For this he has to communicate, negotiate, solve problems and influence the organizations at large. Project manager must be polite under pressure. Project manager should be able to manage the team effectively. If there is any conflict in between team members, he should try to resolve it so that it may not affect the project. Project managers must be able to plan, initiate, monitor, execute and close the project. Project managers must have the efficient risk management skills as all projects are associated with a risk. In addition to the skills described above,
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