Role of King in Mesopotamia and Egypt

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In Mesopotamia a king made his way into royalty through conquest, conquering and dominating the people, land, and resources there. Not only did the king have to be a good fighter and military leader, he had to be a good family man. People looked upon the king to be the “father” of all people, taking the role of ultimate protector and preserver of the city. When it comes to place in religion, the king was also the high priest of the city, thought to be the one and only high priest. According to Mesopotamian ideas about kingship, people thought the king to have a god living inside of him. Ancient Mesopotamian kings were known as the mediators between the world of the gods and the human beings. Their authority was thought to be god-like. The culture and life of Mesopotamia revolves around the Temple, known as the ziggurat. There were no political inventions until the ruling of Hammurabi of Babylon. Here we see the classes of people divided into three sections. The lowest being slaves, then men. The highest of the classes were the palace attendants. It is important to understand that slavery in ancient times is not a term that we would originally think. Slavery then was not a life sentence, and the category mostly included men that had to pay off debts. In the Pre-Dynastic period of Egyptian culture, Egyptians buried the deceased under their houses. As time continued, the Egyptians moved the bodies to the western edge of the desert with their heads turned facing east and their bodies in fetal position. This idea of reincarnation lead to our understanding that that Egyptians linked the sun patterns with death. Religion started taking shape by the early dynastic periods. Kings were buried in mastavas, meaning bench in Arabic. The tomb itself was underground and built like a palace. In his afterlife, the king wanted to carry on the same way that he did

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