Tutankhamun's Tomb

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TUTANKHAMUN’S TOMB Explain how Tutankhamun’s tomb informs us about the main concerns and activities of the New Kingdom Pharaoh. Tutankhamun was one of the greatest known Pharaoh’s in the ancient world of all time. Even though he only reigned for around 10 years he still had many concerns, roles and activities that can be discovered through the remains of his tomb. Tutankhamun as the New Kingdom Pharaoh had a number of concerns but just as every other Pharaoh, he had one main concern, the afterlife. The previous king, Akhenaten, worshiped the Atenist religion but when Tutankhamun took the throne he returned to the old religion of Amunism. Evidence of Tutankhamun’s belief in Amunism was found through a number of scarab beetles found in the tomb and near the body. The scarab beetle represented the sun god Re and his travel across the sky during the day, his ‘death’ in the evening and then his rebirth as the sun the next day. The scarab beetle is represented because of the way it dragged it’s ball of dung out of the hot sand, reminded the Egyptians of the sun’s ‘rebirth’ period. Throughout Tutankhamun’s tomb we find many artefacts that suggest that Tutankhamun greatly believed in Osiris, the King of the Underworld. For instance, a life-size Corn-Osiris was found along with mud sown with corn so that once the sprouts germinated, it appeared as though it was growing through the figure of Osiris, so just as the corn came to life so could a dead man be reborn. There was also an inscription found on Tutankhamun’s body that said ‘O, Osiris, King Nebkheprure, your soul lives and your veins are firm. You breathe the air and emerge like a god.’ In this quote Tutankhamun refers himself as Osiris because when a king died he was said to become like Osiris, in the sense that he was resurrected. Even the coffin itself was a representation of the chest Osiris was placed

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