Art Museum Evaluation

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Joshua Holmgren Art 101 12/03/2012 Art Museum Evaluation When I first learned that I would need to write an evaluation paper for class, I was less than excited. However, after spending the time in the class learning about the different styles of art, their influences and origins, I was able to enjoy my visit to the St. Louis Art Museum much more richly than I ever had in the past. I have always enjoyed visiting the Art Museum. Unfortunately, my lack of knowledge of the subject left me there simply looking at the paintings, sculptures, fabrics and exhibits without being able to see it with a critical eye, or to even truly appreciate what the artist was trying to capture in their piece. In this paper I will be sharing my thoughts…show more content…
This sculpture didn't compare to anything I remember seeing in class. This hippo was made in faience. The inscription explained that it was crushed quartz glazed and fired at low temperatures. They inlayed copper salts in the glaze to give it blueish decorations. One part of the hippo's back has the outline of what looks like flowers in the blue copper salt decoration. The description of the piece informs that this type of sculpture was often mass-produced and placed in tombs as a reminder of the Egyptians' love of hunting. However, the legs of the hippos were broken to ensure they would be no threat in the afterlife. Apparently, herds of hippos were damaging to farmers' fields. The hippos became associated with chaos and the hunt for hippos became a metaphor for how the pharaohs could conquer evil. Moving on to the ancient Greek art they had on display in the ancient art gallery, I first noticed a beautiful amphora, accession number 57:1955. This was a red-figure amphora that stood a little over 14”. The black-line details of the figures on either side is astounding. One one side, Nike is depicted as a woman with wings flying through the air carrying a lyre. Apparently, the figure on the other side is a musician to whom Nike is delivering the instrument. This was the information described on the…show more content…
This painting is titled “Christ Healing the Blind,” accession number 12:1957. It depicts Christ, surrounded by his disciples, healing people. The colors of this painting are much brighter than the previous one. They are outside, late afternoon, or early evening. The atmospheric perspective in the sky in the background has beautiful shades of blue and gray. The clouds are hazy with an almost mist-like appearance. It would seem that the paintings that this artist was commissioned to create were for the church, as most of the commissioned works were back

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