Role Of Ethical Reasoning In Presidential Elections

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Applying Ethical Reasoning to Kennedy and Romney During the presidential elections, candidates often make promises that they do not intend to keep. They have citizens believing in every word they say. Unfortunately, most citizens cannot detect when candidates are not applying ethical reasoning to their speeches. Ethical reasoning is not just following a set of norms or morals; it is being honest to one’s self and to others to promote good or to create fairness by using the characteristics of ethical reasoning. Presidential candidates can apply ethical reasoning to their speeches such as, John Fitzgerald Kennedy did on September 12, 1960 and Willard Mitt Romney did on December 6, 2007. In “JFK’s Speech on his Religion” and Romney’s speech “Faith…show more content…
Conversely, Kennedy delivered his purpose more ethically than Romney. Kennedy’s purpose seemed similar to a declaration whereas Romney’s purpose seemed similar to a sermon. For example, Kennedy declares “[s]o it is apparently necessary for me to state again not what kind of church I believe in – for that should be important only to me – but what kind of America I believe in” (1). Kennedy is deliberately stating that his purpose is to create a better America and that his religious views will not influence his decisions as the president. Kennedy is being ethical by promoting a better society, whereas Romney is promoting his own religious perspective. Romney states “I will take care to separate the affairs of the government from any religion, but I will not separate us from ‘the God who gave us liberty’”(3). Romney is stating that he is going to separate church from the state but he is not going to separate God from church and state. This is a contradiction because God is a part of religion and church; thusly He should be separated from the state. Romney is basically telling America citizens that he is going to let his religious views influence he job as the president. Romney is not being ethical because his purpose is to promote his religious morals; while Kennedy is being ethical because his purpose is to create a better…show more content…
Although both of them did not lack in information, they misinterpret and misused some of the information they stated in their speeches. For instance Kennedy misinterprets when he argues “I believe in an American where the separation of church and state is absolute…” (1). The separation of church and state is not absolute as Thomas Jefferson stated in 1768 in The Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom. Jefferson states “…for its officers to interfere when principles break out into overt acts against peace and good order…”. Jefferson explains that the government should only interfere with religious freedom when it inferences with someone else’s natural right; thusly making the separation of church and state not absolute. Kennedy misinterpretation is unethical because it causes citizens to falsely believe that their religious freedom cannot be taken away. Romney misuses his information when he argues “[w]e should acknowledge the Creator as did the Founders –in ceremony and word. Romney is correct that a one of the Founders, such as Jefferson states [w]ell aware that Almighty God hath created the mind free...”. Jefferson does acknowledge that there is a God or Creator that gave human beings the freedom of thought. However Romney is using his information unethical because he is once again use the word “we” and not
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