Descartes Mistakes

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Mediation IV The existence of God is clear to Descartes. Descartes says “I conclude so certainly that God exists, and that my existence depends entirely on Him in every moment of my life” (73). So since he knows God exists, he must decide if God deceives him or not, and if not how is it that Descartes makes mistakes. Descartes makes this clear by talking about what God has given him, including his faculty, which means any of the powers or capacities possessed by the human mind, free will, and based on his judgment. Descartes wonders if God deceives him or not. Which God cannot do because he is the Ultimate and would not do that to something he created. Descartes states “the desire to deceive without doubt testifies to malice or feebleness, and accordingly cannot be found in God” (73). So God does have power and some people believe that a man of power will use his power to deceive, but the fact that something wants to deceive and show God to be a coward. God cannot be a coward because he is the Supreme. Then if God is supreme and he created Descartes how that is Descartes has made mistakes because God would not give someone a mind to lead them astray. So why can Descartes make mistakes? “I am in a sense something intermediate between God and nought, placed in such a manner between the supreme Being and non-being, that…show more content…
He jumped to conclusion and made errors in question whether he existed or not. But the fact that Descartes made this question is how he knows he is real. He knows that his free will, given to him by God, allowed him to ask this question. So it is Descartes that deceives himself. Descartes says, “if I no longer make good use of my free will, and if I affirm what is not true, it is evident that I deceive myself” (77-78). So there is no ultimate deceiver and it is not God; it is miss using our judgment and our free will that deceives
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