Explain and Illustrate 2 Difficulties with the Claim That God Is Omniscient

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Omniscience is one of the attributes of God, meaning all-knowing. There are three categorical types of knowledge: propositional knowledge (knowing facts by learning and experimenting), procedural knowledge (knowing how to do something), and knowledge by acquaintance (knowing through previous experience). In order to be omniscient, God must be have all three types of knowledge. However, this is not as clear-cut and simple as it may appear, there are a number of difficulties with the claim that God is omniscient. There are situations in which God would have to compromise in terms of his attributes in order to be all-knowing. The first difficulty is that there are some things that are impossible for God to do. For example, Can God know lust? As we know, God is, and has to be morally perfect and morally right. If God breaks this, then he is not being omnibenevolent (all good), which is another of his attributes. However lust is far from morally right, so God cannot experience it. Leading on from that, since God is confined to being morally perfect, he has no choice whether he is or not, he can’t be omnipotent. Another aspect of this argument is can God fear? We are either scared of the unknown (e.g death) or something more powerful than ourselves (e.g lions). For God, there should be no unknown because he knows everything there is to know. For example, he cannot fear the consequences because he knows exactly what will happen. Even if He does know the consequences, God could only be scared of something more powerful than him, otherwise he would know that he could overpower it. The problem with this is there shouldn’t be anything more powerful than God because he is omnipotent. Another situation in which God’s omniscience could be questioned is whether he can be lost. If not, then there is something that God has not experienced, and so he cannot be omniscient. if God
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