Identify Key Ideas Associated with the Problem of Suffering. Examine Two Solutions to the Problems of Suffering and Comment on the View That These Are Only Partially Successful.

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Classical theism provides a depiction of a God that has three main attributes; omnibenevolent, omnipotent and omniscient. A subject that conveys problems for classical theists is that of evil and suffering. It is understood that suffering is a direct consequence of evil. This evil leads to a lot of religious people to question their faith, especially when it comes to natural evil. These issues arise due to the question; if God is all knowing and all loving, should He not then stop suffering from happening? The subject of evil and suffering provides an inconsistency with the traditional image of God and His attributes. Someone whom acknowledged and illustrated this inconsistency is Hume, in the form of Hume’s inconsistent triad. With this Hume viewed God’s attributes; omnipotence and omni-benevolence, and that evil exists. Hume concluded that the three points are inconsistent. If God is omnipotent, He is aware of existing evil and suffering, and knows how to put a stop to it. If God is omnibenevolent He will want to put a stop to it. If God is both of these attributes, then evil cannot exist. Since we know evil and suffering is a necessary bi-product of human life, we must acknowledge that evil does exist. This proves problematic as it then brings into question the traditional theist’s view of God. However, no traditional theist would accept Hume’s conclusions because it denies God of His perfection. There are ways of sidestepping this issue such as, atheism, deism and polytheism, but none are accepted by traditional theists, and are therefore not a true solution to the problem. A theodicy is seen as a true solution as it defends God’s nature in the face of evil and suffering. A good theodicy must acknowledge the existence of God whilst suggesting evil and suffering are necessary bi-products of life and free will, retain the idea of God’s perfection thus exonerating

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