Road as a Promenade Performance

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Road by Jim Cartwright has previously been performed as a promenade performance where Scullery, the narrator has taken the audience around each scene which not only engages with the audience but also puts the audience in position as characters. I envision Road to performed also as a promenade performance but for not only the characters to engage with the audience (speaking directly to them or even invading their personal space) but for them to be treated as objects and intensely engage with them to such an extent that they are left feeling utterly uncomfortable, intimidated or even emotionally sad . This would have to be done with care and consideration to the audience members but done so in an unforgettable manner. For example Skin Lad’s monologue varies in terms of his manner; aggression to nonchalance, and his tone; sped up, excited and extreme to monotonic. When skin-lad is re-enacting his fight, he would illustrate this to one audience member, making them feel nervous which would portray the realism of skin-lads monologue and ultimately shows the poignancy of its meaning. The play will start in the foyer outside the theatre, the movement of the audience members will be important as they will feel like characters within the play. Furthermore I want several different stages to be in place in the theatre; a thrust staging, an ‘in the round’ stage, the normal basic stage and finally for one scene to incorporate the audience’s seating area as a stage. The thrust staging would be ideal for the monologues that create an atmosphere while walking (Valerie); the audience at either side of the scene would have a surreal experience while the characters act as they get full vision of the character and this stage promotes a more intimate feeling between the watchers and the performers. The round staging would be ideal for Joey’s monologue as the impression we get from
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