Retail Marketing Stratgies Argos

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Retail Marketing Mix Strategies at Argos UK. Marketing mix strategies are important part of marketing plan. It shows the strategies adopted by an organization in order to effectively market its products to consumers. Retail marketing mix strategies should always be developed keeping customers needs and requirements as priority because it should always satisfy customer needs. The success of strategies depends on ability of an organization to satisfy customer needs better than its competitors in market. Krishna & Vasant (2006). Therefore it can be said that marketing mix strategies in retail are highly influenced by the customer’s needs and requirements and strategies adopted by competitors. That aim of marketing mix strategies in retail sector is to satisfy specific customer needs with price strategy that can make some profit for the organization (Kurtz et al,2009) Blankson(2010) explain that retail marketing mix strategies should aim to create distinct image in the mind of consumer while mix can vary on the basis type of specific market requirements. Many elements can be placed to form marketing mix of any organization but most significant elements are given as follows (i) Store location (ii) Merchandise and Category Management (iii) Pricing (iv) Inshore marketing (v) Customer Relationship Management These retail marketing mix strategies at Argos are discussed here in detail (i) Store Location:- The selection of store location is most significant and important decision and success of business heavily relies on this decision. Store location contributes to the success of any organization. Argos initially emphasised high streets locations and shopping malls and continue opening its store near populated areas in order to provide consumer easy access and facility to visits the store. Explains stores can be opened in planned

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